Monday, March 15, 2010

Lord don't let Your radiance fade in my life Exodus 34:33-35

Exodus 34:33-35 (New International Version)

 33 When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face. 34 But whenever he entered the LORD's presence to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, 35 they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the LORD.

 Moses was spending time on Mount Sinai meeting with God. When he came down from the mountain his face was radiant and the Israelites were afraid to go near him. Once Moses was done speaking with them he put a veil over his face. When he went to meet with the Lord he would remove the veil. When he was finished he would again cover his face.

When Moses spent time with God and was in His presence something about him changed. He had a glow that was obvious to everyone who saw him. 2 Corinthians 3:13 says that Moses kept the veil over his face so the Israelites would not see the radiance fade. When Moses was with God he was radiant. When he left God's presence the radiance would begin to fade. Moses knew that was a sign God's presence was not as strong in him. He was worried the Israelites would know that as well and tried to hide that from them. I am like Moses. When I spend time with God good things happen on the inside and that shows on the outside for others to see. That change is the evidence of a changed life and evidence that God is real and working in my life. When I am not spending the time with God that I should, that evidence fades. I see it in my life and am sure the people around me do as well. The evidence is confirmation that things are going well in my relationship with God and I have fellowship with Him. The lack of it is a very obvious indicator that my relationship with God is lacking. Like Moses I try to hide it by putting on a mask. That may fool some, but people who know me well can tell. The mask does not fool them nor God. I don't want to have to hide behind a mask. I wnat to live a life in constant fellowship with God. I want a strong relationship with Him and I want it to be obvious to anyone who crosses my path. To have that I need to continually spend time with Him reading and studying Hs word and spending time with Him throughout the day. As I do, the evidence of a changed life with shine for all to see.

Dear Lord,
I thank you for the relationship I have with You. The time I spend with You takes me from the person I am closer to the person I want to be. Help me to stay close to You throughout my Day. Continually fill me with Your spirit. Let that be seen by everyone around me. As I stray Your glory fades. Use the people in my life to keep that from happening. Use my circumstances to keep me close to You. Let Your light in me be the evidence to others of a changed life. Use me in their lives to bring that same light to them as well. In Jesus' name.

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