Monday, March 1, 2010

i need to be consistent in my relationship with God Exodus 9:27-28, 34

Exodus 9:27-28

 27 Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. "This time I have sinned," he said to them. "The LORD is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong. 28 Pray to the LORD, for we have had enough thunder and hail. I will let you go; you don't have to stay any longer."

Exodus 9:34

34 When Pharaoh saw that the rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he sinned again: He and his officials hardened their hearts.

 The Lord sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh to ask that he allow them to go into the desert to worship God. They had already been warned that Pharaoh would harden his heart and now allow them to go. Moses continually went to Pharaoh with his request and each time Pharaoh refused. God sent plagues to show Pharaoh He was God and He was serious. When God sent hail to destroy the land, Pharaoh finally admitted he had sinned and agreed to Moses' request. As soon as the hail stopped, Pharaoh once again hardened his heart and refused to agreed to the request.

Pharaoh showed a patter in his interaction with God. God would reveal His will. Pharaoh would refuse. God would send things into Pharaoh's life to get his attention. Pharaoh would ignore them. God would continue until it became unbearable. Pharaoh would acknowledge his sin and repent. As soon as the  calamity was over, Pharaoh would harden his heart all over again. My life has been much like Pharaoh's. God has a plan and includes me in it. I ignore God until He has to go to extremes to get my attention. I repent and submit. Once the crisis is over,  I go back to my selfish ways. I want to be the person who can consistently follow God in good times and in bad. I want to be sensitive to God's call in every area of my life and submit to His will as soon as it is revealed to me. Sometimes I have trouble recognizing it but most of the time it is just my stubborn and rebellious attitude. I need to learn and grow so that God doesn't have to start over with me whenever He calls me to a task. I know His plan is best and deep in my heart I know I will do it His way eventually. What I need is a desire to submit when I hear the call and not surrender after the battle. I have no trouble following God when it's easy, it's when he calls me to a challenge that I struggle. I need to be more consistent in my relationship with Him and live a life that pleases God more than me.

Dear Lord,
I know You want the best for me. I know Your plan for my life is perfect. I trust You to take control of my life but I have a stubborn spirit. It is easy for me to submit to You when things go my way but I struggle when called to submit to Your plans when they don't fit easily into mine. Forgive me for making You work so hard to bless me and use me to bless others. Change my heart that I would be willing to submit to Your will without hesitation. Help me to live a life that pleases You and follows You through good times and bad. Let me be Your servant and not Your adversary in all I do. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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