Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How much do I really appreciate God's gifts? Genesis 25:30-32

Genesis 25:30-32 (New International Version)

30 He said to Jacob, "Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I'm famished!" (That is why he was also called Edom.)
 31 Jacob replied, "First sell me your birthright."
 32 "Look, I am about to die," Esau said. "What good is the birthright to me?"

 Esau was Isaac's firstborn and was in line for the birthright. This would have put him over the family as the spiritual head. he did not appreciate that gift and gave it away for a moment of worldly pleasure. Jacob deceived Esau and took the birthright. H did it by worldly means that were wrong but he did appreciate the birthright and the spiritual responsibility that came with it. His desire was good but his execution was wrong.

I see myself in both of these brothers. I have received gifts from God, incredible blessings from Him, only to set them aside. I often don't appreciate the gifts He has given me and have let some slip away because I did not appreciate them and did not care enough. I have also recognized opportunities and blessing from God in my life, only to pursue them my own way. Because of my impatience and strong will, I chose to chase after these things with my own strength and my own plan. I thank God for he blessing but ignore Him in the process. both of these areas are struggles for me. I need to appreciate God's gifts in my life more and put them all to good use. He has  given me these gifts for a reason. Whenever I set them aside I am saying, "No" to God. I also need to appreciate God's timing and His plan for me. He knows best what I need and how to put it in my life. I need to trust Him more from start to finish and not shove Him out of the way. My nature is to take over and get it done my way. That shows a lack of faith in God's plan. I need to trust God enough to allow Him to work out his will for me in His time and by His way. I know I am still very much a work in progress, but I pray God will work these things out in me sooner instead of later.

Dear Lord,
I thank You for Your gifts that You give. I pray that I will recognize these gifts and put them to good use for You. I know that all too often I squander Your gifts and blessings in my life. Help me to be a better steward of these things You give me and use them for Your glory. I do recognize some gifts and opportunities from You but in my own stubbornness and selfish nature I pursue them in my own strength. Help me to trust You enough to wait on You and Your perfect plan. Help me to better see Your path adn choose if over my own. As I do, guide my every step. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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