Monday, February 22, 2010

I want the vision Joseph had Genesis 50: 19-20

Genesis 50:19-20 (New International Version)

 19 But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

 Joseph's brothers had treated hm poorly as he grew up. They plotted to kill him and sold him into slavery. Once their father, Jacob, died the brothers were at Joseph's mercy. They were afraid that Joseph would take advantage and exact revenge for all they had done. Joseph recognized there was more going on. He saw that while his brothers meant to harm him, God meant it for good. Joseph didn't hold a grudge. He had forgiven them long ago because he saw God at work even in his difficulties.

Joseph dealt with hardships and difficulties his entire life. Every time things started going well he was dealt another blow. When God revealed his plan in a dream, Joseph was sold into slavery. When he started to do well there, he was wrongly accused and sent to prison. Throughout the hardships and struggles, Joseph saw through his circumstances and kept his eyes on God. He know God had a plan for him and trusted God to see it through. No matter what his current circumstances were, he lived his life to please God. Nothing could dissuade him from it. That focus allowed him to excel during the good times and carried him through the bad. Even at his worst people around Joseph saw God through him. Joseph had the vision to see God in every circumstance and he responded appropriately. Joseph trusted God and was blessed for it.

I want to be like Joseph, but I struggle with that every day. I know God has a perfect plan for my life. He has been faithful time and time again. My problem is that I lose focus. I take my eyes off of the big picture and lose sight of God. I am so busy worrying about my problems or my situation that I fail to see God at work. I need the vision Joseph had. I need to see God at work during the bad times as well as the good. I also need better long term vision so I can see and stay focused on God's bigger plan for my life. I need the strength and the vision to keep looking up instead of just looking around. If I can keep focused on God and keep His vision in my sight I can more effectively live a life that pleases Him.

Dear Lord,
I know You have the perfect plan for my life. I know I can trust You to see it through. It is easy to remember that at times, but other times I struggle. Give me eyes to see You in every area of my life. Reveal Your plan to me in a way that I will respond. Surround me with people who will help me stay focused on You. Ly all I do and all I say work toward furthering You plan for my life. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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