Monday, February 1, 2010

Sin is always crouching at the door Genesis 4:6-7

Genesis 4:6-7 (New International Version)

 6 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

 Cain and Abel both presented an offering to God. Abel presented a blood offering to God and it was pleasing to Him. Cain presented a grain offering but God did not look upon it favorably. Cain god upset because his offering was not acceptable. God told him if he gave the proper offering it would be accepted, but if he didn't do what God asked "sin is crouching at his door and desires to have him". It seems there was some previous instruction from God about offerings and how to present them. Abel obeyed and Cain did not. God reminded him and explained it again. God even explained that this was a sin issue that Cain had "to master". Rather than obey God, Cain took his anger and jealousy out on his brother, Abel, and killed him. Cain's disobedience to God fueled his sin and it grew. Cain had the proper instruction, he had a Godly example in his brother, he had a warning and a second chance from God, but ignored all that and chased his own sinful desires. He suffered the consequences for his sin and was removed from God's presence and from his family. His sin and rebellious selfish choices effected not just him but his kids, grand kids, and more.

I have all the same opportunities as Cain. I have God's instruction, I have good examples around me, I have multiple chances to get it right, and even have the Holy Spirit to guide me. Many times this is enough to keep me on God's path and I make good choices. However, there are times that just like Cain, I ignore all the proper instruction, all the examples, all the chances, even the guidance form the Holy Spirit, and choose to sin. I know God's way is better for me but I make sinful choices. I deserve the same punishment as Cain but by God's grace I still have a relationship with Him. Sin is constantly "crouching at my door" but my hope is to master it. I want to control my sin instead of having it control me. With God's help and the tools He has surrounded me with, I hope to get closer to the goal every day.

Dear Lord,
You are  a patient God and You prove it daily in my life. You give me chance after chance when I fail and You are always there to pick me up and get me back on the right path. You have surrounded me with the tools to do the right thing and live my life to please You. I know sin is always crouching at my door. Help me to turn form it and toward You. Thank You for never giving up on me. It is by Your grace I am able to make the good choices I do and avoid the sin in my life. continue the good work You have started in me and help me to master the sin in my life. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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