Friday, January 29, 2010

Make me more aware of my sin Genesis 3:7

Genesis 3:7 (New International Version)

7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Adam and Eve were happy living in the Garden of Eden. They were oblivious to evil and focused on God and God alone. When the ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, their eyes were opened in a new way. Their eyes, weren't just opened to see sights but they now had a new realization of the surroundings, their situation, and their actions. they now saw sin as it was in their lives and felt compelled to do something about it. They hid from God because the did not want to stand before Him naked. They were now aware it was wrong and wanted to do something about it. Even thougth they sinned they still didn't want to disappoint God.

I see the same thing in my relationship with God. There was a time when I was not following God. My sin did not bother me like it should. Once God was in my life I became much more aware of my sin. I had a desire to do something about it that I did not have before. Things I used to embrace no linger pleased me. Some even disgusted me. the closer I got to God the more my nakedness was exposed and the more I realized it. God filled me with a desire to please Him and clean up the sin in my life. There are times when sin creeps into my life and it doesn't bother me like it should. I now what that conviction should feel like but it is not there. When that happens I know that I am not close to God. I know that when I am close to god my sin disgusts me. When it doesn't, it is a warning to check my relationship and draw close to Him again. I know what it is to be far from God and I know what it is to be close to him. I need to spend more time drawing close and staying there. When I do I spend less time fighting sin and more time embracing God. That is where I want to be.

Dear Lord,
You have opened my eyes to Your truth and the right way to live. You have given me a new life and a love for you. I thank You and praise You for the changes You have made in my life and pray that You will continue that good work in me. You know my sins and my weaknesses. you know the areas of my life in which I want to please You and in which I want to hide. Expose my sins and keep me close to You. Make me more aware than every the areas I fall short and stir my heart to change so that I may please You and stay in Your presence. Mold me into the person You want me to be and work those changes into my life so that they would no just be what I do, but who I am, living my life to please You. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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