Monday, January 25, 2010

I want to rely on God's thinking Matthew 16:23

Matthew 16:23 (New International Version)

 23Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."

 Jesus shared with the disciples that He would be killed and raise again on the third day. Peter in his own wisdom pulled Jesus aside to correct Him, saying, "This shall never happen to you". Jesus saw the spiritual implications in that statement and rebuked Peter. Peter was relying on his own thinking and was not open to God. He thought he knew best and shared his thought with the best intentions, but was misguided. His best thinking fell short and was a stumbling block before Christ. 

I often rely on my own wisdom and my own thought when dealing with issues. There is a danger in that because Satan can use that to pull my focus away from God's will. He can also use me as a stumbling block in the lives of others. I need to seek God's will in my decisions and trust Him to speak through me in my conversations. The closer I am to God the easier this is. When I don't spend time with Him. I rely on my own wisdom. That gets me in trouble. If I want God's wisdom in my life, I need to stay close to Him and look to Him first in all I do.

Dear Lord, 
You are the giver of true wisdom. You know all and work in my life to do what is best for me. I know that but don't recognize it in my daily life nearly as much as I should. Keep me in Your presence, give me Your wisdom, and help me to rely on You in every decision I make. Keep Your hedge of protection around me and guard my heart am mind. I pray that the enemy would not gain a foothold in my life nor use me as a stumbling block in the live of others around me. Let all my decisions and conversations be pleasing to You. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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