Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The risk is worth the reward Matthew 25:25

Matthew 25:25 (New International Version)

25So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.'

 This servant took the money his master gave his and hid it. He obviously could have done much more. I see what was possible by looking at the other two servants in the story. He was afraid to take the risk because he was focused on failure. The other two were focused on multiplying what was given to them from the master. The servant's plan didn't work so well. He wasted the opportunity to gain more for the master's kingdom. Not only was he not rewarded and entrusted with more, even what he had was taken away.

God has given me many opportunities to serve Him over the years from chance encounters with people on the street to organized ministry opportunities. Each time the opportunity is before me, I have to make a choice, I can take the risk or pass up the chance. there is always risk involved but the reward is always worth the risk. God does not give me these opportunities to watch me fail, He me to succeed. When I prove faithful He entrusts me with more. There are times when I have been too afraid of failure and squandered opportunities. I have seen those opportunities dry up because I was too worried about what could happen if I fail instead of all that could come from success. That fear is a lack of faith. God has proven too many times in my life that He is faithful and wants to see me succeed and grow for Him. I need to put that fear away and trust Him to give me success in His name. The more I do that, the more chances God will give me to succeed because everyone who has will be given more and will have an abundance. I want to be that person for Christ.

Dear Lord,
You fill my life with opportunities to serve You. Give me eyes to see them all and give me the desire to take every chance for You. Fill me with a boldness to reach out and take the risks, knowing that You are with me every step of the way. When fear and doubt enter my mind, fill me with confidence to reach out in Your name, knowing that I am doing Your will. When I fear the risks involved, remind me that the risks in serving You are always worth the reward. Help me to see past the risks and focus on the goal You have set before me. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eye,

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