Monday, January 11, 2010

You will know that I am the LORD

Ezekiel 29:9

9 Egypt will become a desolate wasteland. Then they will know that I am the LORD.

Ezekiel 29:21

 21 "On that day I will make a horn grow for the house of Israel, and I will open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the LORD."

Ezekiel 30:19

 19 So I will inflict punishment on Egypt,
       and they will know that I am the LORD.

Egypt and the other nations were prospering and taking all the credit, boasting in their success. They ignored the fact the God was in control of their destiny and decided their future. they did not remember God and give Him credit for what He had done. He had to bring them down a notch to remind them "I am the LORD".

In my life I assume too much of the success is mine and too much of the struggle is God's. In my life He needs to periodically bring me down a notch to remind me that "He is the LORD". All I have and all I am is a gift from God. I need to focus on that and remember daily all the blessings He pours our on me. I need to remember when He does correct me it is in my best interest and gentle reminder the God is God and I am not. I need to focus on all God does and appreciate it so that he does not have to continually remind me that "He is the LORD". I know that and should keep that first in my thoughts but tend to forget every few minutes. When I do I can trust God to remind me.

Dear Lord,
You are God and I am not.  All I have is a gift from You. Every success in my life is a result of Your blessing. Forgive me Lord that I forget that so often and fail to return to You to say thanks. You deserve my thanks, my admiration, my love. You deserve all the credit for my success. When I become boastful about my success please use my circumstances and the people You bring into my life to keep me humble and remind my that all the glory is Yours and Yours alone. I thank you in Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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