Sunday, January 10, 2010

Don't ignore the hope

Ezekiel 11:17
    "Therefore say: 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you back the land of Israel again.'

The Israelites had pushed God out of the temple and out of their lives. They were worshiping idols and doing all sorts of detestable things before the Lord. God spends the book of Ezekiel explaining what their sin had done to their relationship with Him and what the results would be. They were about to suffer greatly for their sin. God is angry and letting them know it. As you read through the book of Ezekiel I am thankful I am not them. I could not imagine going through what they are about to endure. But right in the middle of telling Ezekiel all the punishment that will be poured out on an unrepentant nation, He shares the verse above. In the middle of the doom, there is hope.

God is just and there are consequences for our sin, but God is also the God of hope. When I go through difficult times, all I see is the doom. I am so busy trying to work it out and feeling sorry for my self that i don't see the hope. When I read my bible, I find hope on every page, but when tough times come I tend to gloss over all those passages. I need to accept that sometimes the going gets tough and most of the time it is my own fault, but as a follower of Christ I need to put my faith in Him in every circumstance and trust Him to see me through. As I look into each situation, I can't ignore the hope.

Dear Lord, You are a mighty God. You are real in my life and I know you are with me in every situation. I thank you for your provision and your unconditional love, but I also thank you for continually giving me hope. Help me to see You in every situation and trust You to see me through. As You do, keep my eyes focused on You that I will see and appreciate how You provide for me. Let me rejoice constantly in the hope I have in You.

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