Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Seek more than you ask Matthew 7:7-8

Matthew 7:7-8

 7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

In this passage Jesus encourages us to pray and seek out God with our requests. He wants us to ask Him to meet our needs. He promises to give us what we need for He knows what is in our best interest.

I am very good at asking. When things go wrong, I'm right there asking God to fix my mistakes and take care of the mess I've made. If I have a need I am right there looking for God to meet it. I need to spend more time seeking God than asking. The more I seek the less I need. When I spend time in His word and search our God in my daily life, the more I realize how active He is in my life, meeting my needs before I even ask. I don't want to seek out what God can do for me, but what He wants for me. I want my desires to be in line with God's will for my life. The better I am at that the less I need to ask and the more I can appreciate His blessings.

I don't want to just seek Him from afar, I want to come into His presence. He promises that if I knock on the door He will invite me in. He is always available for me if I just knock and make myself known. I know I need to ask but I need to spend more time seeking and knocking. When I do, the needs often take care of themselves.

Dear Lord,
I am forever thankful that you are an accessible God. I am thankful that You want to spend time with me and are always available. i am quick to come to You with my problems and regrets and concerns. I am good at asking but don't make time to just spend with You. Help me to be a person who seeks you out throughout the day to share my experiences and not just my requests. Help me to seek your will for my life and not just answers to my requests. Mold me into the person You want me to be. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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