Thursday, February 4, 2010

Raising a Godly family is my responsibility Genesis 18:19

Genesis 18:19 (New International Version)

19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."

 God promise Abraham a son by Sarah. god renewed His covenant with Abraham saying that his descendants would be rulers and kings. God told Abraham his people would become a powerful nation and nations would be blessed because of him. In verse 19 God said he would do this so that Abraham would direct his children and household to live for God and do what was right and just. Of all the people on the earth God chose Abraham. Abraham's obedience and love for God convinced God that Abraham could lead his family and his people in God's ways. God had laid challenges before Abraham and he had succeeded. Abraham had proven himself worthy of the blessing God had promised.

I love God an do my best to live for Him. Like Abraham, God has Given me a family He expects me to lead in His ways, I am humbled and honored to think that God sees something in me that would allow Him to entrust these people to me. They have given their lives to God. He in turn handed them to me and asked me to raise them up to know Him. He trusts me to protect them and instruct them in His ways. God has given me His most precious gift and trusts me to take care if it just as He would. this is a responsibility I don't take lightly and I pray that I can lead my family to know God better and live their lives to please Him. god will but decisions before them and they will have to make their own choices when the time comes, but if they are not prepared to make godly decision that is my fault. If they are not equipped to live  for God then I have failed them and failed the Lord. This is not a responsibility I take lightly. I pray everyday the God will equip me to leatd my family for Him because I know that without God I can't do it.

Dear Lord,
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I have a family who has given their live to You. You in turn handed them back to me and asked that I watch over them for You. I pray that You give me the wisdom and abilities I need to direct them to keep Your ways and grow to love You more each day. Let me live my life as an example of how to follow You. Give me the strength to do the right thing even when it is difficult so that I might be a living example in their lives. Give my family hearts to follow as I lead them toward You. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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