Monday, February 1, 2010

Trust God enough to tell the truth Genesis 12:11-13

Genesis 12:11-13 (New International Version)

11 As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, "I know what a beautiful woman you are. 12 When the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife.' Then they will kill me but will let you live. 13 Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you."

 God told Abram to leave his comfortable surroundings and go wander around until God showed him he was in the right spot. Abram had enough faith the uproot his family and leave without knowing what would happen but trusting God to take care of him. God showed him the land He would give Abram and his descendants, showing Abram He was trustworthy. Abram went to Egypt looking for food. Rather than trust God, he took matters into his own hands. He told his wife to lie and say she was his sister so he would be safe and be treated well. He selfishly compromised his wife for his own safety and well being. When he trusted God he was safe and was treated well. Abram even built an alter to worship God for the blessings. For whatever reason Abram felt this was too big for God and had to handle this one himself. The result was Pharaoh took Abram's wife to be his own, thinking she was available. When Pharaoh found out what Abram had done, he was appalled. he gave Abram's wife back along with all the stuff he gave Abram as well. Abram did it his own way without trusting God and got the result he wanted. The problem is rather than trust God, Abram became a pimp and turned his wife into a prostitute to meet his own desires.

Over the years I have grown in my relationship with God and have learned to trust Him. God has proven himself trustworthy time and time again and has never let me down. Even still, there are times that I choose to take matters into my own hands and leave God out of the process. There are times the result is exactly what I want and I feel it is a success. I don't realize until later what a mistake it was. Had I trusted God it may have turned out different that I expected but it would have been better. Like Abram I often don't see the real cost of my decisions. The long term effects are not worth getting what I want. God always knows better than me and has proven it many times in my life. I just need to trust Him more and me less. When I do, God will provide and I won't have to mess up my life and hurt the people around me.

Dear Lord,
You are a trustworthy God. You are always faithful and provide for me in ways I could never see myself. I need to trust You more and lean on You to guide my life. Give me the faith I need to do that. Give me the desire to seek Your will more than my on. Protect those around me from being hurt by my foolish decisions and use them to keep me focus on You. I know You have the perfect plan for my life. Help me to live that plan out and not lean on my own understanding because You are always right and I want to do you will. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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