Thursday, February 18, 2010

I want a servant's heart like Joseph Genesis 47:11-12

Genesis 47:11-12 (New International Version)

 11 So Joseph settled his father and his brothers in Egypt and gave them property in the best part of the land, the district of Rameses, as Pharaoh directed. 12 Joseph also provided his father and his brothers and all his father's household with food, according to the number of their children.

 Joseph was the youngest in his family. God had big plans for him but his family did not recognize it. His brothers hated him and plotted to kill him. They sold him into slavery to get him out of their lives. Years later Joseph had wealth and power because of God's blessing. He ran across his brothers whom he had not seen since they sold him into slavery. he reconnected with them and brought the entire family down to Egypt. He gave them choice land and food to eat. What he did saved the lives of his family.

Joseph had every right to be angry with his brothers. He had every right to hold a grudge. I don't know that I could have forgiven what they did. When Joseph finally reconnected with his bothers he had the power and influence to get even for what they had done to him. He wasn't thinking about getting even. His desire was to serve them. He gave them all they asked for and more. Instead of even, he brought his entire family to him to serve them and make sure they were safe. Joseph had some hardships and disappointments but did not focus on them. He knew God had a perfect plan for his life and trusted that all the good and the bad would work out for God's glory. Even as a leader he was a servant. He served to please God and he did it well. He repaid evil with good and in doing so shared God's unconditional love with people who didn't deserve it. Joseph was modeling a Christ like attitude a couple of thousand years before anyone even knew what that was.

I want to be like Joseph. I want a true servant's heart. I want to see others through God's eyes and get past the hurts to repay evil with good. Joseph had it figured out and modeled it for me. I want to grow to become that type of person. I not only have Joseph, I have Christ as a perfect example of a true servant. I have the Holy Spirit to guide me in my journey. I have the tools, I just need to put the to good use. As I do, I hope to become more like Christ, living my life as a servant of God.

Dear Lord,
You loved me when I ignored You. You reached out to me when I hurt You. You have shown me how to love unconditionally and serve other out of that love. I've seen how You do it and I know what it is, but I still struggle to be the servant You have called me to be. There are times I can't imagine repaying evil with good even though that is exactly what You have called me to do. change my heart and make me more like You. Help me to see others as You do and serve them as You would. Give me the unconditional love for the people around me that You have for the people around me and mold me into an acceptable servant of the Living God. In Jesus' name.

Keep the SON in your eyes,

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